Returning to You

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When was the last time you truly felt authentically you? Felt that pure sense of freedom? 

When was the last time everything you did, thought, and said was a heartfelt reaction; because you believed in your message, honoured yourself, and acted with integrity?

Can’t remember? That’s exactly why you’re here. It’s not a coincidence this blog is open and in your hands. You’re in the right place because this is your next step.  

If you’ve been aimlessly living through an inspiration drought, this is where you can learn (or relearn) to water the garden of your mind, soul and body. To achieve freedom and to come home to you - whatever that means for you!


Home. We know it as that one, singular place where you are completely, utterly, and unapologetically you. A giant notion that transcends the physical when we ‘have’ it, encompasses the emotional when we’ve ‘lost’ it, and plagues the spirit when we can’t ‘find’ it. 

And sometimes, home has a funny way of walking out on you.

By just 12 years old, I knew I wanted to be a 'professional devil's advocate'. No kidding! The idea of helping others push through their limits, uphold their true beliefs and stay in their whole power always felt like home to me. Home to me is where I can both root myself, and spread my wings. 

The journey back to me, I’ve previously unpacked right here, and here


After stripping myself out of my business then pulling the pieces of myself together and letting them shine through, I began to thrive. With my newfound clarity and confidence, I strengthened my resolve, my lust for life and my ability to be an outstanding coach. 

Have you heard the news? I’m now head coach at Achievher working with women for whom I know I can be the true (and loving) ‘devil’s advocate’. By honouring my integrity, I’m watering the part inside me that blossoms beautifully for others. And not by any set of cookie-cutter rules, mind you!   

You might be thinking, “That’s great Candice! But what about me? I’ve struggled to align my needs to any one particular course in the past..”

  • How do I fit into your programme? 

  • How can you access all of my facets, when I can’t access them myself? 

  • What if I’m too soft, or fragile for your expertise?

  • What if I’m too jaded, how will you crack my exterior?

Well, guess what? I’ve said… and heard, all those things, and more! But there is more to the story than you can see right now. We all have the light inside us, it just takes a little faith to trust the process, to be ignited from the inside out, to have someone in your corner cheering you, and helping you get out of your own way, because, yes, they’ve been there! And they believe in you. 

For those of you reading this, asking these questions today, I want you to know that:

You are greater than the sum of your parts. 

No two “recipes” for personal and professional success are the same. 

In life, there is no “one-size-fits-all”. 

And Bonus! I’ve poured my essence back into my business which means you get a version of me that is greater than the sum of my own parts: the best coach I can be and a guide on the path you are set to travel.


Bespoke 1:1 coaching is where I get to deeply understand what you need, and where I can pull from the rich tapestry of my experience as a coach, athlete, mother, partner, personal trainer, and health coach. 

My intimate coaching is exactly that - intimate. We begin a relationship, where I invite you to break the cycle of your fears, to break through limiting beliefs and let the rain POUR on that inspiration drought!

This holistic approach is how I help my clients truly find clarity and confidence in their lives. 

Because in this multi-dimensional world, life and online space - everything is intrinsically linked. I am rejecting the niche and the rigid boxes - and exclaiming that when we have permission to expand and explore the depths of all realms, THAT is where the true magic happens.

You can choose any coach to run you through the motions, they’ll hold you accountable on their one-size program. But consider what can happen for you, when your coaching journey is built specifically for you, your needs and your journey. As your coach: 

I will be fierce - because I care.

I will make you uncomfortable - out of love. 

I will challenge you - to honour yourself first.

In one moment, we might be tuning in deep to what your soul is hungry for. Next, we could be knee-deep in creating action plans and tactical strategies to help you break through specific challenges or experiences. And in another? We could be creating fitness routines and natural remedies to support your overall wellbeing. 

So, am I for you? Take me on, if:

  • You’re outwardly successful but underwhelmed in your life. 

  • Going through the motions is your default option because stepping off the path of societal expectation and success is damn scary.

  • You want to learn to honour yourself first, to prioritise YOU physically and mentally.

  • You want to truly understand your vision and create a vision-led action plan.

  • You’re ready to take responsibility for your health and life, and rediscover your fizz!

  • You want to feel in control, to tune into the internal fire of motivation, to strip away the stories, fear and lackluster sense.

  • You want to turn up the volume in ALL areas of your life and with time learn that may mean turning down the volume in the area that feels most important.

We will find your balance, we will rewire your connection to yourself, we will pull out the ingredients that make you, you, and journey together toward your idea of what home feels like. 


And I don’t do anything by halves

Coming out the other side of my own transformation, everything is brighter and clearer. I know that I can give the best parts of myself to whatever area of your life you seek clarity in. I’m a melting pot of experience, spirit, and support and offer the full buffet in health, wellness, and fitness.

This year has taught me how fragile we are and how easy it is to take ourselves for granted. And equally, what becomes possible when you connect and stay connected to the essence of who you are. 

This is what I teach my clients every day. And this is how you too can free yourself from rigid expectations and should-do’s.

Working with me is a total lifestyle transformation.

Are you ready to blossom by watering your mind, body and soul with the ONE formula that suits you best?

Are you ready to finally own your true identity and live an intentionally designed life full of inspiration and passion? Your life is waiting for you to come home.