What I have to offer

I help you embrace the highest version of yourself and provide a safe space to step into your power


Coaching is a relationship. I am not here to give you the answers, after all, you are the expert in your own life. My role is to help you get out of your own way. Break to the loop of limiting beliefs, fear and sense of stuckness. 

We all deserve to live a life that honours who we are and allows us to express the highest version of ourselves. 

All to often we feel underwhelmed by the direction our life has taken. We feel held back or overwhelmed by responsibilities or expectations, and we end up sticking to ’the plan’, to the detriment of what they truly want and need. 


Whether you know where you want to go, but don’t know how to get there


You are sick of playing small in your life and ready to take courageous action

I am here to support you. 


My Services

Step Into Your Power


This 16-week, high touch, 1:1 coaching programme will change your life! It will give you the tools, resource and most importantly the guidance to embrace your highest self, take courageous action and step into your power. You will leave underwhelm behind, reignite your creativity and drive and live a life that inspires you.

This is for you if you are ready to:

  • Leave underwhelm behind, stop playing small and take courageous action

  • Show up and design a life that honours the greatest version of you

  • Invest in individualised coaching and a toolkit to support you for years to come

Book a consultation call to see if this programme is right for you

Coaching with Candice truly changed my life. I started to earn more, perform better & my relationship with my friends and family dramatically improved!

Self Honour Consultation


This 90-minute coaching package is designed to offer you the opportunity to experience coaching with me. Consisting of an initial questionnaire, 60 minutes of coaching, homework and a 30 minute follow up, this targeted and pragmatic process will give you the tools you need to move forward.

This is for you if you are ready to:

  • Take Self Honour 101 to a deeper level and honour yourself first

  • Get unstuck in a specific problem or issue

  • Work with me, but want to experience my style first.

Define Your
Non-Negotiable Life


Non-negotiables allow you to get clear on what matters most to you and honour your highest self. Explore, discover and define themes that support living on your terms and embracing the life that you envision for yourself.

This is for you if you are ready to:

  • Honour yourself on a daily basis, but not sure where to start

  • Align your daily action to what you need now and in pursuit of your vision

  • Support yourself in ways that speak uniquely to you

Learn more about this six-module course

Bespoke + Ongoing Programmes


I offer a variety of bespoke programmes for individuals and groups. From ongoing coaching to talks and seminars, plus multi-day development programmes and residential retreats.

This is for you if you are ready to:

  • Work with me, but my main programmes don’t fit your needs

  • Have a specific event or retreat in mind

  • Build a bespoke programme tailored to you or your team

Free Resources


Self Honour 101

  • Define your non-negotiables

  • Honour yourself first

  • Allow natural boundaries to emerge

  • Experience joy returning to you life

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Assess The Year

  • Explore the lessons, loves and losses of the year gone by

  • Define exactly what you want for the year to come

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The Seven Whys

  • Simple questions to get clear on what you really need and why

  • This template will be your go-to resource for clarity and action


Contact Me