I coach vibrant go-getters, ready to define and step into their power.

I’m a Certified Profession Co-Active Coach and Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, with a diverse coaching background. I have spent my career bringing out the very best in everyone I work with. 

I believe that we all have something truly unique too offer, and we do our best work when we are on purpose and in our power.

All too often, we are handcuffed by societal norms and expectations. The path forged by work becomes a constraint rather than an encouragement to express ourselves and embrace life on our terms. When we get really clear on who we are, what we need and what we want, we can cultivate curiosity and courage and choose actions that aligns with the vision that we hold for ourselves.  


“It is my job to help you stop playing small and step into your power!”


It’s been a journey and I know ‘playing small’ all too well!

At 12, I wanted to be ‘professional devils advocate’! At 17 I discovered the world of coaching and knew that this is where my life’s work would be. 

After running away to Costa Rica, receiving my first class business degree and moving back to Dubai, the city of my childhood, I found myself 5 days into my first job, knowing I had made a huge mistake. It took 13 months and a beard of stress-induced acne for me to finally leave. 

This experience taught me a lot about self-awareness, intuition and courageous action! I headed in a new direction and found a more fulfilling way to work with people.

Within 18 months LifeSpark, a holistic lifestyle concept, was born. It quickly became the first CrossFit gym in the Middle East, Reebok affiliated and I found myself as a competitive CrossFit athlete on my way to the CrossFit Games! Our incredible community fuelled me, inspired me and while it was tough, they kept me going. 

By 2015 I knew that despite my success in business and on the competition floor, I was playing small. It was 14 years since I realised that I was destined to coach, and I was using the business I loved as an excuse to hide.

After all, I had a job other people would have loved! 

I knew I had to face my fears, step up and take action. I restarted my coach training late in 2015, and began the process of learning and undertaking all the self-work that coaching unearths. Having retired from competitive CrossFit, coach training coincided with my first pregnancy! And so began a new chapter.

Coach certification, pregnancy and a business was a lot to handle, but I made it work. Yet deep down, despite it all, I knew I was still playing small! 

And then reality hit! I wasn’t choosing courageous action, I felt stagnant and ultimately I began to back slide. Slowly, subtly, but just enough to give me the wake up call I needed. 

I put my first baby up for sale.

I felt like I was abandoning my community. One that I loved, and that had always supported me! I wanted nothing more than to stay and see them develop. I was torn, wracked with guilt, but the truth was, to really step into my power, I had to let LifeSpark go.

I learnt first hand that success and playing small can coexist with terrifying ease. It is the choices that we make, our courageous action, that will determine if we live with outward success or truly step into our power. 

I have lived small and know that stepping into my power changed my life beyond measure. I now live a life truly aligned with the vision I have for myself and my family.

I live a life that inspires me everyday.
You deserve that too!

I have not only been where you are now, but I have a unique skill set to help you get to where you want to be! Curious to learn more about stepping into your power? Get in touch and we can book an introductory call to see how we can work together!


What else?

As well as a dedicated coach, I am wife to an incredible man, mummy to two feisty little ones and currently exploring whether we will make Thailand our new home!

Oh, and as you now know that I never do things by half… I am also a proud co-founder of Locus Retreats, an incredible and uncompromising health and wellness retreat.

When I am not working, I love spending time on the beach, alone or with my family, and keeping the athlete in me alive teaching community classes and training.

I am also exploring the world of yoga, Biofield tuning and cultivating a deeper understanding of myself.
