Igniting Your Transformation

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We’re told it’s not wise to assume. Well firstly, I’d like to poke a hole in that hot-air balloon. A lot of what I know about myself in the line of work I’ve allowed myself to shine in, means I am aligned, learned, and experienced to assume some things about you. 

You’ve clicked on this blog because you have some sense of comfort in knowing that there is professional advice that will help ignite your transformation. No easy feat. But you knew that, right?

So I’m going to go ahead and assume that you require the tools to regain ownership when you’re feeling underwhelmed and confused.

You’re successful in your community, you’re a ferocious go-getter in your field… BUT:

  • You are your own worst enemy with that critical eye and the hectic pace of your inner thoughts

  • Your energies are spent feeling guilty or frustrated over what you can’t control, and not finding your zen

  • You experiencing unexpected emotions and rapidly changing viewpoints, unable to find what will stick

  • Your never-before-seen pessimism is making responsibilities feel burdensome, difficult, or just plain BORING

Hell, you might even feel like having a massive rant. While venting is totally reasonable, make sure you’re not venting to the point where you’re creating new problems for yourself. 

The energy we put into expressing our frustration when things aren’t working, or not moving, can be better spent moving on and reigniting your creativity and drive. So, how do we move on? Not only move on - but actually up and OUT?!


Non-negotiables are my MO. But, what the heck is a ‘non-negotiable’? Why do you need them? I get deep on non-negotiables here.

Non-negotiables allow you to get clear on what matters most to you, and to honour your highest self. By doubling down on your non-negotiables you can discover or redefine the themes that support living on your terms and embracing the life that you always envisioned for yourself.

And they don’t have to be grandiose ideas of saving the world. Your non-negotiables could simply be the fact that you’ll never sleep on an argument, that you’ll choose the healthy option, or that you will uphold your integrity in every situation that presents itself. 

Essentially, your non-negotiables work as your safety net. When everything else seems dark, when you fall from the tight-rope of your highest ambitions… your non-negotiables are there to remind you what you stand for and help you move forward.


Courageous action? What does that look like? As opposed to thoughtless action, desperate action, or frightened action?

Once your non-negotiables start paving the blueprint for your life as you know it, courageous action is what you do with them. This action is what happens when you realign with your message and show up authentically. It’s when you act out of purpose, sacred intention and unclouded judgment. 

Courageous action will occur once you’ve gained clarity around your vision and your big picture priorities. What will result from this is that each day you'll begin to honour yourself and where you are first - all in support of your vision. Showing up for yourself will have a ripple effect for everyone and everything in your life, and you will emerge from your transformation, living deeply and connected to your power.


My signature 16-week program ‘Step Into Your Power’ is designed to light your fire. This is where we define your big picture priorities and your vision becomes a discernable, tangible path to your power. 

We take the fast-track to ensure that guilt, fear, indecision, and doubt fall away and you begin to take ownership of who you are at your very best, and then hold you accountable to actually living from that place.

In Step Into Your Power, you strive, thrive, and heal. These are my proven three seasons of transformation to act as your lifelong resources if uncertainty starts to creep back in:



We carve out the non-negotiables that invigorate, inspire and recharge you. Getting clear on who you are and who you are becoming is the first step. Non-negotiables support the essence of who you are.


We harness the non-negotiables that cultivate gratitude and presence, and ground you. Once we get clear on that essence and strip away the fear and limiting beliefs, building a vision-led action plan will create momentum towards the life you dream of.


We awaken the non-negotiables to nourish, nurture and support you. You begin to ditch the underwhelm and rediscover your fizz - your creativity and drive. You will learn to step into your power and honour the essence of who you are and who you are becoming.

Are you willing to put in the work to live a life that inspires you, acting in spite of fear, taking courageous action, learning from your resistance, and stepping into your power?

We are no good to anyone broken. You deserve to live a life that inspires you.

We’ll unravel how the seasons work together for you, which is so important because it shows you what you need most right now, to continue living an inspired life. 

After 16 weeks of high-touch coaching with me, you leave the underwhelm behind and instead show up vibrantly for an intentionally-designed life that honours the greatest version of you. Of course, with a tangible vision-led action plan to boot.

So yes, I’ve assumed things about you. 

But this doesn’t mean that I don’t expect the unexpected from you, and it doesn’t mean I force what doesn’t work for you. 

What I’m saying is that with most of my clients, I know them because I’ve BEEN like them. And what I needed most in those moments? Was less fluff and hand-holding, and instead more courageous action towards real results. 

Working with me is like having a fairy godmother in your back pocket. I will hold space for you when you feel like hiding, and I will challenge you when you are playing small... and usually when you want exactly the opposite.

Are you ready to stop holding yourself back in fear?

Are you ready to confidently hold non-negotiable boundaries?

Are you ready to re-ignite your fizz and take courageous action towards your big-picture goals?


So go on, be bold and take that first step.