Vision, Essence & Possibility


Possibility, to me, is like dreaming in your flavour. It is taking the vision of who you want to be and the essence of who you are and mixing them together to imagine every possibility that fills you with joy. 

The strategist in me loves exploring options and opportunities, but if you really want to see my come alive, get me talking about possibility. I love to get to heart what is possible when you dream, indulge and imagine all that you can be.

it’s strategising for the soul

But to begin, let’s take it back a few steps. A soul-led exploration of possibility is only possible when you have a clear vision and sense of the essence of who you are, at your best. Without these two pieces, possibility is little more than exploring the world around you. Unfortunately, possibility is to all too often imagined from behind the mask of other people’s assumptions, expectations and pursuit of the status quo, and you can end up dreaming someone else’s dream.

Possibility then becomes constrained by the life and world you live in – to the detriment, or in neglect of what you really want.

So, where do you start?


Getting clear on where you are now and where you want to go is the first step. Really getting to know your starting point, however uncomfortable or off-purpose you may be right now, is critical. Setting aside the masks of assumption, expectation or hard-earned success, for just long enough to assess where you are and consider where you, stripped back to just you, would like to be.

My 5 Steps to a Non-Negotiable Life guides you through this process, and is great place to start this journey. Especially as non-negotiables help you take action towards your vision.

As you grow your awareness of where you are now and where you would like to be, and you start to honour your vision, the essence of who you are will come into focus.


With time, and awareness the essence of who you are bubbles up like a feeling. Like air bubbles in boiling lava, your essence is distilled over time from a molten mix of all that you are and want to be.

I encourage you to pay attention to the words that describe you at your best, when you are showing up in service of yourself and your vision. Who you are being when you feel a sense of joy, flow and deep connection with yourself and your loved ones.

When being you is effortless and feels good, you are connecting to your essence

In Step into your Power we refer to these as your Power Words – not necessarily forceful words, but an expression of your greatest self, full of potential. 

Whilst at first your essence may feel distant, unnatural and out of reach, simply bringing your awareness to it tethers you and brings it into your reach. With time, consideration and mindful practice, you will find you are increasingly able to try on your power words, feel them out and embody your essence and what it means to commit to your vision, all the while in a place that you can adjust, pivot and modify as you gain clarity.

It is from this place of growing clarity that possibility becomes possible.


When you begin to align to your vision, and dance with the essence of who you are, a world of juicy, joy-filled possibility begins to present itself. You see, the connection to your vision and essence bring possibility out of the realms of dreaming and into a place of opportunity.

One thing to remember about possibility, and the one thing that it has in common with dreaming, is that is it boundless. The only limits are staying connected to your vision and essence, and doing this keeps possibility exciting for you. 

In exploring possibility, you want to stay open, imaginative and curious. This is the point. Possibility is about discovering options and opportunities. Setting boundaries and making choice is for another time. Possibility is endless – be exhaustive in exploring your possibilities and follow the path of excitement, curiosity and a need to know more as the guide towards possibilities that are worth pursuing.


So, what next? You have a wealth of explorable possibilities, some exciting and fizzy, others not, most requiring some kind of compromise or choice, all connected to your vision and essence. Decide if you want to pursue any of these possibilities. Sometimes questioning what’s next is utterly redundant as your exploration of possibility will have pulled you onto the path that you know in your gut is right.

Other times you may find a few possibilities that are interesting and worth exploring. A great tool here is to explore overlap in the possibilities and set goals to connect to these. Find short term goals that allow you to lean into these possibilities and try them on. Best of all, any action in pursuit of your possibilities is a chance to express your vision and honour yourself. 


We dive deep into vision, essence and possibility in Step Into Your Power, my signature programme. Check it out! And remember, if you want to get started, steps one and two of 5 Steps to a Non-Negotiable Life are all about your season and your vision.