Stepping into your Power


An opportunity to come home to yourself & become all that you are destined to be

Stepping into your power is about coming home to yourself. It is the act of taking ownership of and embracing who you truly are & who you aspire to be. Stepping into your power is not about being powerful in the domineering or forceful sense of the word. It is not a list of accolades or accomplishments, but rather it is a sense of being, an opportunity to embrace the seat of your strength, your essence, your magic.

Your power can be strong or soft, fierce or gentle, vibrant or understated

Your power can be strong or soft, fierce or gentle, vibrant or understated. What matters is that it is yours. Grounded in your identity & your story. It has your flavour and allows you to show up as the best version of yourself and on your terms.

Much like superheroes each have their unique superpower, you do too! Stepping into your power has very little to do with imposing yourself on the world. In fact, it has very little to do with the outside world at all. It is about coming home to yourself. Owning who you are at your best & in ways that feel right for you. It is about setting your soul on fire, finding your fizz, and living a life that truly inspires you.

This may sound amazing, daunting or completely out of reach, and while it will not be easy, it is absolutely possible for you. Embracing yourself, in your strength, authenticity & power is the starting pace of living a life that you love, on your terms but it is not necessarily where you will start your journey. A lifetime of conditioning, responsibility & expectation (perceived or real) can leave you in a deficit - a long way down a path away from your power. 

A lifetime of conditioning, responsibility & expectation can leave you in a deficit

The toughest part of the journey of stepping into your power is letting go of all that does not serve you. The habits, behaviours, beliefs & fears of the life that has left your underwhelmed, demotivated & searching for something more - not quite sure what that is. Stepping into your power means starting with the heavy work of unpacking where you are & taking courageous action to leave all that is not supporting you behind. 

With courage, with compassion & with action, you can make progress. As you know from Crowding Out, the journey of positive reinforcement has exponential benefits. So once you get curious & build your awareness of where you are starting, you can begin to shed what does not serve you and embark on the journey of truly stepping into your power, on your terms & in your way. 

As a coach, this deep, curious, courageous work is the work I love. The deeper you go, the more you show up & embrace what comes up, no matter how raw you feel, the faster the progress towards your power. It is an honour to pay witness to, and support this process - not least because the magic for all of us is to live in our power. It is a gift to ourselves, a gift to the world & one that is always worth it. 

It is only when we come home to ourselves that we truly start to live.