(re)Claim Your Autonomy

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A couple of weeks ago I leaped into autonomy, conviction, and courage. And it was a big leap! But, let’s rewind for a second:

  • What is autonomy?

  • How does it show up in your life?

  • Why does it matter?

  • And, most importantly, how can you (re)claim your autonomy.

What is autonomy?

By definition, autonomy is:

  • self-directing freedom and especially moral independence personal autonomy. (Merriam-Webster)

  • the ability to act and make decisions without being controlled by anyone else giving individuals greater autonomy in their own lives. (Oxford)

What stands out for me is the blend of independence, control, and authentic expression.

The fact that autonomy, by definition is individual, self-directed, and liberating. This means you can live autonomously anywhere, doing anything. As it pertains to what we do over here at Candice Ford Coaching, autonomy is the ultimate expression of self. It is the result of living an aligned life, grounding in your vision and the essence of who you are.

How does it show up in your life?

This means that autonomy can show up in your life anywhere that you hold a boundary. Anywhere that you put your needs, desires or wishes first:

  • Saying no! And meaning it

  • Holding boundaries at work

  • Breaking with convention

  • Pushing back against societal pressure

  • Trusting your gut and taking action

  • Honouring your non-negotiables

Expressing your autonomy is taking the path less traveled, and doing so on your terms. It is breaking with convention to stay true to the vision you hold for yourself, making conscious choices, and taking courageous action.

Whether it’s small things like declining an invitation, upgrading cleaning products, or starting a new class, without your usual group. Or the big stuff… starting or ending a relationship, declining a promotion, quitting a job, moving countries… Claiming your right to do what feels right for you is present in every decision you make, regardless of whether it fits with what you should do.

Why does it matter?

So, why does it matter? Why is it worth paying attention to your autonomy?

When you live with a sense of autonomy, you feel more empowered, you trust in the courage of your convictions and you are more creative, inspired, and motivated.

Feeling that you are in control of your own life, unbound and unrestricted, not only allows you to honour the essence of who you are and pursue your vision but allows you to show up as the greatest version of yourself. And let’s face it - if we all step fully into our power everyone will benefit.

How can you (re)claim your autonomy?

This all sounds great, right?

  • Saying yes, or no, and meaning it

  • Releasing yourself from the endless demands of other people’s need and expectations

  • Honouring yourself first - on your terms

  • Showing up as the great version of yourself

But where do you start?

Here are the 5 steps to (re)CLAIM your autonomy - and they may sound familiar.


Get clear on exactly what your want - what is the dream vision that you hold for yourself, your life, and your family. Without a clear sense of where you want to go, and who you want to become, you can not begin to embrace how you will express your autonomy


You can not claim everything in one go. Identify the season you are in right now and what is most important. Are you at a point of growth in your life, a place of momentum, or a place of recovering? You need to limit your focus to one clear area of your life and build autonomy there first


Get curious! How are you spending your time? Are you indulging in activities and behaviours that keep you stuck in the same cycle or move you towards your vision? Are you allowing yourself to be bound by convention and shying away from your own autonomy? Or are you making choices to pursue what you truly want?


Get intentional! No one is going to claim your autonomy for you, but through intentional daily action, you can step into your autonomy day by day. This intentional daily action has a wonderful way of creating momentum and teaching your subconscious that you can be trusted to honour yourself while taking daily action toward what you really want.


Momentum is a beautiful thing - like rolling a snowball downhill, it is exponential in moving you towards your goal. Daily action, repeated daily, with a clear vision and focus in mind will move you towards your goal. In this case, your vision and the autonomy you crave, but right now can only dream of.

Ready to dive in, join my Masterclass - (re)CLAIM Your Autonomy: daily action to a vision-led life - where we will dive into each of these points and I will give you the tools to claim your autonomy and live a life on your terms.