
Are you ready to

Step Into

Your Power?

This 16-week, high-touch, 1:1 coaching programme will take you from an underwhelming, lacklustre life to a
fizzy, joy-drenched life that inspires you!

Reignite your creativity, drive, and truly
Step Into Your Power

Enrolment is limited: book a consultation call today!


In this programme you will define what really matters in your life, let go of fears and limiting beliefs that are holding you back, start honouring non-negotiables, and set yourself on the path to the life you’ve always imagined

PLUS: You will have the tools and resources to self-support long after the coaching ends

Do you feel:

  • Stuck in the minutia of the day to day, beholden to other people’s needs or expectations?

  • Underwhelmed by a life that used to inspire your creativity and drive?

  • Apathetic - knowing what you ‘should’ be doing, but unable to get started?

  • Guilty that you are not doing what you want & not showing up for people around you?

  • Cracks starting to show and the endless coasting is turning into a backslide?



Apathetically clutching a life that once brought me endless joy.

I was playing small and putting what I truly wanted on the back burner in an attempt to honour a life I had built for a different version of myself & for so many other people’s needs.

I was staring at my screen, putting off the work that my business desperately needed me to do, while waiting for someone to save me, and knowing that was never going to happen!

It took me years, but to finally built up the courage and make a choice. I sold my first baby - the business I had poured myself into for a decade - and begin the journey of stripping away and rebuilding the life I truly wanted. 

As my second human baby was growing in my belly, I took action! Marketing, negotiating and completing the sale of my business, launching a new business, selling almost all of our belongings and packing up my life, family, dogs and 4 week old baby, to move to Thailand, leaving behind the city we had called home for most of our lives.

It was terrifying, exhausting and the most powerful and worthwhile thing I have ever done!


I honoured myself and my vision first, and you know what? The world did not end, nothing fell apart and - in fact everyone benefited!

My Promise (1).png

Imagine if:

» All the guilt, fear, indecision & doubt fell away

» Each day you honoured yourself first, where you are & in support of your vision

» Showing up for yourself had a ripple effect for everyone and everything in your life

» You took ownership of who you are, at your very best, and lived from that place.

» You lived deeply connect to your power

» Your life inspired you!

Step into your Power
and your life will transform before your eyes - filling you with joy, creativity and drive. You will rediscover your fizz!

Coaching with Candice truly changed my life. I started to earn more, perform better & my relationship with my friends & family dramatically improved!
— Sam, UK

What is included?

» A 16-week curriculum, providing 1:1 coaching, tools and techniques

» 11 hours of highly individualised 1:1 coaching

» A comprehensive, 100+ page workbook with questions and journaling exercises to support each module

» Printable checklists & visual reminders

» What’s app and email interaction o make sure you are supported every step of the way

» Lifetime access to the tools & resources, so you can self support long after the programme ends


This is for you if:

» You are ready to leave underwhelm behind and reignite your creativity, drive and motivation

» You know you are worth more than a life beholden to everyone else’s needs

» You want the guidance and tools to break the cycle of playing small

» Change is long overdue and you know you are ready to reclaim your power.

» Self-honouring is equal parts terrifying and absolutely critical!


Here’s how it works:

MONTH 1: Discover and Awaken

You will:

  • get curious about where you are right now and what you need in this moment

  • start to get clear on your vision - honouring the greatest version of yourself - and define non-negotiables that will support you today and in moving towards your vision

  • reclaim your choices with confidence and courage

  • begin to explore fear with lightness and use it as a tool to cultivate curiosity

MONTH 2: Harness and Release

You will:

  • Learn the tools to explore and release fear and limiting beliefs, plus learn the secret to crowding out unsupportive behaviours

  • Embrace courageous action. Using your evolving vision and non-negotiables as a measure of courage versus recklessness

MONTH 3: Resistance and Possibility

You will:

  • Learn the tools necessary to deal with resistance when it shows up - and yes, resistance will show up!

  • Explore your possibilities - confined only by what truly serves you!

MONTH 4: Intuition and Power

You will:

  • Step up and engage in life, learning to use your intuition as a measure of fit and fizz

  • Define your power - the essence of who your truly are and all that that entails

  • Distill your vision down to your monthly action list, taking your journey of exploration and self-awareness and ensuring you have a tangible, actionable plan to stay in your power and in pursuit of your vision.

Candice has the tools that helped me unleash and unlock vortices that were hidden under piles of limiting beliefs, pain, anxiety and the sense of being lost in a dark and lonely forest.
— Kat, Dubai

In our together I promise to:

  • Challenge you when you play small and be gentle when it gets tough

  • Share the tools & resources you need to step into this journey with courage

  • Always show up with positive intent and ask the tough questions

  • Set you on the path of self-honouring - empowered and grounded in the essence of who you are


By the end you will:

» Leave underwhelm behind

» Rediscover your fizz

» Know exactly where you are going, and how to get there

» Connect with the essence of who you are and

» Consistently honour yourself first

» Leave guilt and apathy behind

» Show up for yourself and everyone around you as the best version of yourself

» Live a life that truly inspires you

» Have all the tools you need to support yourself long after the programme ends

I realized, not only did I lose my fizz, I was going about life in a very purposeless manner. Deep down, I knew I had the power... I just needed guidance to reclaim and step back into my power.   
— Sarah, Dubai

Are you ready to Step into your Power?

Book your consultation call now!




Hi! I’m Candice.

I am a certified coach and firmly believe that we do our best work when we step into our power & live a life that inspires us.

I am, wife to an incredible man, mummy to two feisty little ones & currently living in Thailand. For the last two years I have lived my life in the uncompromising pursuit of all things joy-drenched and fizzy, living a life that truly inspires me!

 It was not so long ago that I found myself clinging to a life that no longer inspired me, finding my accolades and successes felt more like a ball and chain than point of celebration! I know exactly what it takes to let go of the underwhelm, take courageous action strive, thrive and succeed in a fast-paced & culturally diverse world.

I took courageous action, changed my life, and I have designed Step Into Your Power so that you can too!


Coaching in an investment in yourself, your vision and your future.

So much digging and courage is required. It certainly wasn’t easy reflecting, digging deep and articulating feelings, but if this is what it takes to reclaim myself and this is what I will do.
— Annette, Dubai



Our 16 week journey begins with a 20 minute introductory consultation. Once you join the programme, our first coaching session is 2 hours in length. We complete an extensive discovery questionnaire, get clear on what has brought you to coaching and set the goals for our time together. Each week you will have homework to keep you on track, and in our coaching session we will explore what has come up and explore new concepts and topics.

This programme is front-loaded, meaning we meet weekly for the first 4 weeks, before spreading our sessions to every two weeks for the remaining time. While this can seem daunting, clients need to space to explore, learn and grow between our session.


Coaching is a process. Our coaching calls are 60 minutes in length, however the workbook may take longer depending on how much time you dedicate to the process. Also, as the programme evolves, thoughts, feeling, realisations and observations will come up. You will find that you want to journal, meditate or take time to reflect on what shows up. Typically you will dedicate 3-5 hours per week to the formal process of coaching, but expect the ripple effects of the programme to show up throughout your days and weeks.


I am available via What’s App and email throughout our coaching relationship. However, if you find you need more support or additional coaching sessions, this can be added to the programme at the same hourly rate as the main programme.


Absolutely! If you love the idea of working with my, but want to make sure we are a good fit for each other I offer two small programmes that will help. Define Your Non-Negotiable Life is an online course with video coaching and the Self Honour Consultation is a 90-minute micro coaching programme. Both give you a great feel of what it’s like to work with me!


If you find, at any point during the first two weeks that this course is not for you, I will offer a full refund, no questions asked. Coaching is a commitment and is rarely a linear process. Refunds after week 2 may be considered on a case by case basis and depending on the clients engagement with the process.